Friday, August 29, 2008


The clock is ticking down very, very quickly. I still have a lot to do.
  1. Find a duffel bag to pack my stuff in (erm... yeah... that's a little bit vitally important)
  2. Figure out medical insurance junk
  3. Buy film & AA batteries
  4. Get myself an absentee ballet for the voting in November
  5. Visit my bank and let them know that ATM action in Kitgum is a-ok
  6. Say goodbye to all of my friends
  7. Pack
  8. Pack
  9. Pack, pack, pack
I've started having nightmares about packing. In one, I packed five or six of my old favorite stuffed animals and no water purification devices. (There's a pretty bad Hep-E outbreak in Kitgum at the moment).

On the sunny side of things, my Mauritanian colleague finally got his passport AND managed to run to the Ugandan embassy & get himself a visa -- so we're all set on that front.

The photo is a view from my DC Summer bedroom window.


Tumwijuke Mutambuka said...

You probably won't get Hep-E since I don't expect you to fetch your water from infested wells and streams. However don't tempt fate. Typhoid, diarrhea and their friends are always lurking around the corner.

Karibu Uganda!


Rachel said...


Oh, I don't suspect I will get Hep E, either. Although (like a spoiled child) I really hate purifying my water. I feel like such an idiot, if I'm at somebody's house, and they offer me a drink, to reach into my bag and pull out iodine tablets... but since I'm lucky enough to be able to purify my water, I know I shouldn't complain...

Tandra said...

u purify ur water? u r like uber kewl!

Boil your water, it shd be okay. :-)

Welcome... welcome

Rachel said...

thanks for the welcome!!!

hahaha, and thanks for making fun of me about purifying my water, it makes me feel likeit's not o bg a deal so i shouldn't worry about it.

but you know, to my defense, i have a weak, weak american stomach;;;

ah!!! i*m in francefor the week, almost in Uganda,,, i can*t WAIT!!!

(sorry for allthe typos... weird frence keyboards...)